Sunday, 27 May 2012

Experiment 3 Part 3

36 textures on movement




landscape - 2nd progression

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Monday, 14 May 2012

Experiment 3 Part 1

murchison gorge

The valley I have chosen to try to replicate  is  Murchison Gorge in Western Australia which is situated in Kalbarri National Park. This valley appealed to me because of the soft rolling hills and the beautiful texture and colours of the rock. The red colour of the rock is very typical of the Kimberley region of Western Australia and this valley is representative of the uniqueness of terrain that is present in WA and a great example of what I miss and characterise as 'home'.

First attempts to replicate Murchison Gorge in Crysis

mash up - comment on power. how is it used and abused by companies?

 A leading developer, marketer and publisher of entertainment for consumers around the globe lays claim to more than 900 million members across the globe.....users have no trust that the company would keep their information private, company has been stealing user credentials and effects on its suppliers and customers are devastating.
Hardly surprising given the social network's shady past with privacy-related issues
however users continue to share their most personal information with the company.....
Consumers must support producers or they would be forced out of business, leading to job losses and downturns in local economies..... warning make a choice and support products or face the consequence. 


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Part 3 Final

Old and New

The monument connects with the landscape through the textures and colours I have used in order to reflect the surrounding environment. The custom texture represents the branches that surround and protect the area and the monument. The blue adds visually and was added for its reflective qualities on the white surfaces. The colour also embodies the same colours seen in the sunset. The use of the surrounding environment enhances the experience of the monument to build on the monuments' connection with the landscape and was designed to reflect the junction and interactivity that it has with the site. The ramp and passage way act symbolically to represent the journey and coming together of the past and present. This monument was designed to define the space without controlling it, as well as to create focus towards the surrounding environment, the ramp leads up with a tree overhead to create a feeling of enclosure and comfort, the pathway leads to also creates focus on the landscape - using the vegetation now as a vocal point.


The same principles of connection to the surrounding landscape has been applied to this monument, the orange is reminiscent of the rock that surrounds it. The landscape acts to enclose the monument and help to create and enhance the atmosphere and space around the architecture.The monument frames the varied landscape to focus on the natural characteristics and colours, the architecture is symbolically the new addition to the landscape (old) and the two work together paralleling in form to represent the concept of old and new and interactivity.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Part 2

Monument - New and Old

Hinged/interactivity Monument


Here are the textures representing Light, Medium and Dark that I have chosen to use on my monuments